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A righteous champion that upholds law and order through sheer force and firm belief.



Shield Charge (Dash)

Charge forward with your shield raised, inflicting Stun to enemies you collide with.

Upgrade Cost 0 1 2 3 4
Stamina Cost 10 12 14 16 18
Cooldown 3s 2.5s 2s 1.5s 1s
Armored Assault (Apprentice)

Enemies you charge into are now dealt Physical damage based on your armor Armor value.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Damage per Armor 1 1.5 2
Stamina Cost +25%
Charge Through (Adept)

You now charge through enemies, but enemies you collide with are only inflicted by Minor Stun.

Upgrade Cost 2

Mace Swing (Mainhand Attack)

Deliver a powerful melee strike with your mace, dealing Mainhand damage.

Upgrade Cost 0 1 2 3 4 5
Mainhand Damage 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200%
Cooldown 0.1s
Stunning Strikes (Apprentice)

Mace Swing gains a chance to inflict Stun.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3 4
Chance 5% 10% 15% 20%
Crushing Blows (Apprentice)

Mace Swing gains Armor Penetration.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Armor Penetration 5 10 20
Flames of Devotion (Expert)

Attacks with Mace Swing are followed by an arc of flames that deal Fire damage based on your Intelligence.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage per Intelligence 0.3 0.4 0.5

Shield Block (Offhand Skill)

Activates Shield Block from your equipped shield. Additionally, you gain a passive chance to block Physical damage.

Upgrade Cost 0 1 2 3
Chance 25%
Block Amount 25 50 75 100
Shield Training (Apprentice)

Reduces the movement slow effect while using Shield Block.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Slow Effect -20% -40% -70%
Elemental Bulwark (Apprentice)

Increases your Fire, Ice and Lightning resistances while using Shield Block.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Resistance +10 +20 +40
Shield of Thorns (Adept)

Blocking melee attacks with Shield Block deals Physical damage to the attacker based on your current Stamina.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage per Current Stamina 0.1 0.2 0.3

Righteous Hammer (Spell)

Hurl a magical hammer at your foes, dealing Physical damage to all enemies in its path.

Upgrade Cost 0 2 3 4 5
Damage 30 45 65 90 120
Damage per Level 2
Mana Cost 15 20 25 30 35
Cooldown 1s
Hammer of Wrath (Adept)

The hammer continuously discharges bolts of lightning at nearby enemies, dealing Lightning damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage 25 50 75
Tick Rate 0.25s
Mana Cost +25%
Mutually exclusive with Hammer of Sundering
Hammer of Sundering (Adept)

The hammer deals additional Physical damage based on your Strength, and now inflicts Armor Break.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage per Strength 0.3 0.4 0.5
Status Effect Minor Armor Break Armor Break Greater Armor Break
Mana Cost +25%
Mutually exclusive with Hammer of Wrath
Hammer of Devotion (Expert)

The hammer now returns to you after a short delay.

Upgrade Cost 3
Cooldown +1s


Lay on Hands (Spell)

Blessed with a healing touch you restore Health to all allies in the targeted area.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5
Heal 60 120 200 300
Mana Cost 30 40 50 60
Cooldown 13s
Invigorating Touch (Adept)

Lay on Hands now also applies a buff that increases all regen stats for a short period.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Amount +25% +50% +100%
Duration 4s
Cleansing Touch (Expert)

Lay on Hands now removes all negative Status Effects and Afflictions.

Upgrade Cost 3
Cooldown +5s
Turn Undead (Expert)

Lay on Hands now deals Pure damage to all Undead enemies in the area of effect.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage 100 200 400

Judgement (Spell)

Pass judgement on enemies in an area in front of you, dealing Mainhand damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5 6
Mainhand Damage 300% 350% 400% 450% 500%
Mana Cost 30 35 40 45 50
Cooldown 4s
Trial by Fire (Adept)

The area erupts in zealous flames that continue to burn for a few seconds, dealing Fire damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5
Damage 20 30 45 65
Duration 5s
Tick Rate 0.5s
Mana Cost +25%
Shackles (Adept)

Enemies hit by Judgement are shackled in chains which applies a debuff for a short period. Shackled enemies have reduced movement speed and take more damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Movement Speed Reduction 60% 70% 80%
Damage Taken +10% +15% +20%
Duration 3s
Cooldown +2s

Shining Knight (Passive)

Increases your Armor.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Armor +10 +20 +40
Armor of Faith (Adept)

Increases your Armor based on your Intelligence.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Armor per Intelligence +0.1 +0.2 +0.4
Armored Grace (Adept)

Increases your Movement Speed and reduces the Stamina cost of all skills.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Movement Speed +3% +4% +5%
Stamina Cost -20% -30% -40%

Towering Strength(Passive)

Increases your Strength

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Strength +5 +15 +30
Battering Ram

Increases your Physical Penetration based on your Strength.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Armor Penetration per Strength +0.2 +0.3 +0.4
Crushing Might

Increases your Physical Damage.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Physical Damage +5% +10% +15%
Superb Constitution

Increases your Health and Poison resistance.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3 4
Health +25 +50 +75 +100
Poison Resistance +10 +20 +30 +40


Battle Banner (Spell)

Plant a battle banner in the ground to inspire allies in the area, increasing their damage and Attack Speed.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage +10% +20% +30%
Attack Speed +10% +20% +30%
Duration 15s
Mana Cost 40 50 60
Cooldown 30s
Banner of Protection (Expert)

Battle Banner now also reduces damage taken.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage Taken -10% -15% -20%
Banner of Zeal (Expert)

Battle Banner now also increase Cast Speed and reduces the Mana cost of Spells.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Cast Speed +20% +35% +50%
Mana Cost -10% -20% -30%

Zealous Onslaught (Spell)

You continuously charge in a forward direction, dealing Physical damage to all enemies in your path.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5 6
Damage 60 90 130 180
Max Channeling Time 4s
Stamina Cost 9 11 13 15
Cooldown 10s
Zealous Lance (Expert)

At the end of the Zealous Onslaught you unleash a flaming lance to strike all foes in front of you, dealing Physical and Fire damage.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage 100 200 300
Zealous Shield (Expert)

Shield Block is activated during Zealous Onslaught.

Upgrade Cost 3
Stamina Cost +25%

Inner Flame (Passive)

Casting a Spell increases your Fire Resistance and Fire damage for a short period.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5
Fire Damage +10% +15% +20% +25%
Fire Resistance +20% +30% +40% +50%
Duration 3s
Flaming Wrath (Expert)

Increases your Spell Crit Chance. When scoring a Spell Critical Hit you discharge a blast of flames dealing Fire damage to all nearby enemies.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Spell Crit Chance +5% +10% +15%
Fire Damage 40 60 100
Effect Cooldown 0.5s
Healing Flames (Master)

You gain Life Leech with Spells, but the cost of casting Spells is increased.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Spell Life Leech 2% 3.5% 5%
Spell Cost +10% +15% +20%

Lawbringer (Passive)

When you block or take damage you have a chance to inflict the attacker with Disarm and Silence.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Chance 10% 15% 20%
Punish the Wicked (Expert)

You deal more damage to enemies inflicted by Disarm or Silence.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage +10% +20% +30%
Guilt by Association (Expert)

Attacking enemies inflicted by Disarm or Silence, also deals damage to all other nearby enemies not inflicted by Disarm or Silence.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Mainhand Damage 50% 75% 100%
Effect Cooldown 1.5s 1.0s 0.5s


Pillar of Light (Spell)

Call forth a pillar of heavenly light to explode at the target location, dealing Physical and Fire damage, and inflicting Blindness to all enemies in the area.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Damage 150 300 500
Damage per Level 4
Mana Cost 60 80 100
Cooldown 15s
Pulsing Light (Master)

Pillar of Light continue to explode multiple times at the same location.

Upgrade Cost 4 5
Additional Explosions 1 2
Cooldown +5s
Mutually exclusive with Heaven's Wrath
Heaven's Wrath (Master)

Pillar of Light now deal Lightning damage instead of Fire. Additionally, the ground around the pillar is electrified for a period, dealing additional Lightning damage to enemies in the area.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Lightning Damage 30 70 120
Tick Rate 0.5s
Duration 5s
Mutually exclusive with Pulsing Light

Blessed Champion (Spell)

You become empowered with divine powers for a period, massively increasing your attributes and gaining immunity to Stun and Slow.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Attributes +50% +75% +100%
Duration 5s 6s 7s
Mana Cost 70 100 130
Cooldown 30s
Champion of Truth (Master)

While Blessed Champion is active, you gain True Strike and increased Attack Crit Chance.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Attack Crit Chance 25% 50%
Mana Cost +25%
Champion's Hammer (Master)

While Blessed Champion is active, Righteous Hammer has no cooldown and its cast speed is increased.

Upgrade Cost 4 5
Cast Speed +50% +100%
Cooldown +15s

Crusader (Passive)

You gain stacks of Crusader by killing enemies. Each stack increases your Movement Speed and damage.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Movement Speed per Stack +1%
Damage per Stack +2% +4%
Max Stacks 20
Stack Duration 3s
Dauntless (Master)

You now also gain stacks of Crusader by scoring Attack Hits against Bosses and Superior enemies.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Stacks Gained 1 2 4
Zealot (Master)

You now also gain stacks of Crusader by dealing damage.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Damage Threshold 400 200

Guardian Angel (Passive)

Taking enough damage within a couple of seconds grants Invulnerability for a short period.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage Threshold 200
Duration 4s
Cooldown 120s 100s 80s
True Restoration (Master)

Your Health Regen is increased during Guardian Angel.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Health Regen +300% +500%
Wrathful Avenger (Master)

You deal increased damage during Guardian Angel.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Damage +200% +300%