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A natural born hunter in tune with the woods that can harness the powers of nature.



Dodge Roll (Dash)

Perform an evasive maneuver to get you out of trouble. You gain increased Movement Speed for a short period after using Dodge Roll.

Upgrade Cost 0 1 2 3 4
Movement Speed +15%
Duration 2s
Stamina Cost 10 12 14 16 18
Cooldown 3s 2.5s 2s 1.5s 1s
Evasive Roll (Apprentice)

You gain increased Evasion for a short period after using Dodge Roll.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Evasion +20% +30% +40%
Duration 2s
Critical Momentum (Adept)

You gain increased Attack Crit Chance for a short period after using Dodge Roll.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Attack Crit Chance +20% +30% +40%
Duration 2s

Sword Slash (Mainhand Attack)

Deliver a wide arcing slash with your sword, dealing Mainhand damage.

Upgrade Cost 0 1 2 3 4 5
Mainhand Damage 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200%
Cooldown 0.1s
Swift Strikes (Apprentice)

Increases Attack Speed of Sword Slash.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3 4
Attack Speed +5% +10% +15% +20%
Deflect (Apprentice)

You block one instance of Physical damage shortly after attacking with Sword Slash.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3 4
Block Amount 25 40 55 70
Extended Reach (Adept)

Extends the range of Sword Slash.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Range +15% +30% +50%

Bow Shot (Offhand Attack)

Fire an arrow with your bow, dealing Offhand damage. The range, speed and damage of the projectile is increased by charging the attack.

Upgrade Cost 0 1 2 3 4 5
Offhand Damage 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200%
Max Charge Time 0.3s
Stamina Cost 2 2 3 3 4 4
Charging Stamina Cost 1
Cooldown 0.1s
Piercing Shot (Apprentice)

Bow Shot projectiles gain the ability to pierce enemies based on how long you charge the attack. Projectiles deal less damage with each target pierced.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Projectile Piercing 1 3 6
Overdraw (Adept)

Bow Shot can be charged for a longer time, increasing projectile speed and damage. Increases charge Stamina cost.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Max Charge Time 0.35s 0.4s 0.45s
Charging Stamina Cost 2
Projectile Damage & Speed +20% +40% +60%
Splinter Shot (Adept)

Bow Shot projectiles deal additional damage to enemies directly behind targets hit.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Cleave Range 50 60 70
Cleave Arc 50 60 70
Cleave Damage 25%
Stamina Cost +25%

Entangle (Spell)

You conjure roots to sprout from the ground at the target location. Enemies in the area take Physical damage and are inflicted by Crippled.

Upgrade Cost 0 2 3 4 5
Damage 5 8 12 17 23
Tick Rate 0.5s
Duration 4s 4.5s 5s 5.5s 6s
Mana Cost 20 25 30 35 40
Cooldown 4s
Healing Wisps (Adept)

The roots spawn wisps that attaches to allies entering the area. The wisps restore a small amount of Health for a duration.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5
Heal 6 12 18 24
Tick Rate 1s
Duration 5s
Mana Cost +25%
Mutually exclusive with Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy (Adept)

Entangle now also deal Poison damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5
Damage 6 12 18 24
Tick Rate 0.5s
Cooldown +2s
Mutually exclusive with Healing Wisps
Penetrating Vines (Adept)

Entangle now also inflict Armor Break.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Status Effect Minor Armor Break Armor Break Greater Armor Break


Enchanted Arrows (Spell)

You passively gain stacks of magically imbued arrows that can be unleashed by casting the Spell. Enchanted arrows pierce all enemies and deal Offhand damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5
Weapon Damage 125% 150% 175% 200%
Stack Replenish Time 3s
Max Stacks 3 4 5 6
Mana Cost 9 12 15 18
Frost Arrows (Adept)

Enchanted Arrows no longer pierce enemies, but instead explode upon impact dealing additional Ice damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage 50 70 100
Mana Cost +25%
Mutually exclusive with Shock Arrows
Shock Arrows (Adept)

Enchanted Arrows now zap a random nearby enemy when hitting targets, dealing Lightning damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage 15 30 50
Mana Cost +25%
Mutually exclusive with Frost Arrows
Multi Shot (Expert)

Enchanted Arrows now unleashes multiple projectiles in an arc, but each projectile deals less damage.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Projectiles 3 5
Damage 50%

Wolf Companion (Spell)

Summons a wolf to fight by your side. The wolf will attack nearby enemies, dealing Physical damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4 5 6
Wolf Damage 30 40 50 60 70
Wolf Damage per Level 2
Wolf Health 300 500 700 900 1100
Mana Cost 40 50 60 70 80
Cooldown 30s
Protective Bond (Adept)

You and your wolf take less damage when close to each other.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage Taken -10% -20% -30%
Vicious Bites (Adept)

Your wolf's attacks gain a chance to inflict Bleeding.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Chance 30% 45% 60%
Coordinated Attack (Adept)

You deal increased damage to targets attacked by your wolf.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage +10% +20% +30%

Barkskin (Passive)

You passively gain stacks of Barkskin. Each stack increases your Armor. Taking damage consumes one stack.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Armor per Stack +4 +6 +8
Stack Replenish Time 8s
Max Stacks 5
Wild Strength (Adept)

Each stack of Barkskin also increases your Strength.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Strength per Stack +2 +4 +6
Natural Mending (Adept)

Increases your Health Regen for a brief period when taking damage.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Health Regen +100% +150% +200%
Duration 3s 4s 5s

Hunter (Passive)

Your Attacks gain a chance to inflict Marked.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Chance 15%
Status Effect Minor Marked Marked Greater Marked
Beastslayer (Adept)

You deal increased damage to Beasts.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Damage 10% 20% 30%
Big Game Hunter (Adept)

You deal increased damage to Bosses and Superior enemies.

Upgrade Cost 1 2 3
Damage 5% 10% 15%


On the Prowl (Spell)

You set out to harass and pursue your prey, gaining a buff that increases your Movement and Attack Speed. Attacks do not slow you down during On the Prowl.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Movement Speed +10% +15% +20%
Attack Speed +10% +15% +20%
Duration 7s
Mana Cost 35 40 45
Cooldown 20s
Hot Pursuit (Expert)

Attacking enemies during On the Prowl extends the duration of the buff.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Duration per Attack Hit +0.25s +0.5s
Finish the Kill (Master)

Sword Slash deals significantly more damage during On the Prowl, but ends the duration of the buff. The cooldown of On the Prowl is reset if you manage to kill an enemy with the attack.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Damage 400% 600% 800%

Wind Weaver (Spell)

You harness the winds to conjure a tornado that follow you for a period, dealing Physical damage to all enemies in its path. The lifetime of the tornado is based on how long you charge the spell.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5 6
Damage 30 45 65 90
Tick Rate 0.25s
Max Charge Time 1s
Max Lifetime 8s 10s 12s 14s
Mana Cost 30 35 40 45
Cooldown 3s
Winter Winds (Expert)

The damage type is changed to Ice and the tornadoes gain a chance to inflict Minor Freeze.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Chance 10% 20% 30%
Mana Cost +20%
Wind Slash (Expert)

While you have at least one active tornado your attacks with Sword Slash unleash gusts of wind dealing Physical damage based on your Dexterity.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage per Dexterity 50% 75% 100%

Archer's Concentration (Passive)

You gain Archer's Concentration if you haven't taken damage recently. Bow Shot and Enchanted Arrows deal increased damage while you have Archer's Concentration.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Damage 10% 20% 30%
Recharge Time 4s
Careful Aim (Expert)

Bow Shot and Enchanted Arrows gain a chance to score Critical Hits while you have Archer's Concentration.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Crit Chance 10% 20% 30%
Determination (Master)

You automatically gain Archer's Concentration while on Low Life.

Upgrade Cost 3

Nature's Blessing (Passive)

Increases all your attributes.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Attributes +3 +6 +12
Natural Attunement (Expert)

Increases all your resistances.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Resistance +5 +10 +15
Nature's Vigor (Expert)

Increases all your regen stats.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
All Regen +1 +2 +3
Nature's Sting (Expert)

Your Attacks gain a chance to deal additional Poison damage.

Upgrade Cost 2 3 4
Chance 10% 20% 30%
Damage 30 40 50


Rain of Arrows (Spell)

You launch a barrage of arrows into the air towards the targeted location. The arrows land in sequence after a delay, dealing Offhand damage.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Offhand Damage 50% 75% 100%
Mana Cost 40 50 60
Cooldown 15s
Storm of Arrows (Master)

Increases the impact area of Rain of Arrows.

Upgrade Cost 4 5
Size +50% +100%
Mana Cost +20%
Thundercaller (Master)

The arrows are followed by a series of lightning strikes at the targeted location, dealing Lightning damage.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Lightning Bolts 5
Damage 50 100 200
Damage per Level 4

Spectral Wolf Pack (Spell)

You call upon a pack of spectral wolves to hunt nearby enemies dealing Physical and Ice damage.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Spectral Wolves 6 8 10
Physical Damage per Strength 0.5
Ice Damage per Intelligence 0.5
Mana Cost 60 70 80
Cooldown 20s
Pack Leader (Master)

Your Wolf Companion also unleashes a number of spectral wolves and deals increases damage for a period.

Upgrade Cost 4 5 6
Spectral Wolves 3 4 5
Damage +100%
Duration 10s
Mana Cost +25%
Relentless Hunters (Master)

The spectral wolves gain a chance to seek a new target after dealing damage.

Upgrade Cost 4 5
Chance 20% 40%

Wicked Sprouts (Passive)

Casting a Spell makes thorns sprout from the ground to strike random nearby enemies, dealing Physical damage based on your level.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage per Level 2 3 4
Rampant Growth (Master)

Spending Mana triggers additional thorns to sprout.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Mana Spent to Trigger 50 40 30
Regrowth (Master)

When killing an enemy there is a chance a lesser version of Entangle spawn at the location of their death.

Upgrade Cost 3 4
Chance 25% 50%

Nature's Scorn (Passive)

Increases your Ice and Lightning damage.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Damage +10% +20% +30%
Frost Revenant (Master)

Increases your Ice Penetration. Your attacks inflict Freeze on Critical Hits.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Ice Penetration +5 +15 +30
Storm Strider (Master)

Increases your Lightning Penetration. After using a Dodge Roll your next Attack Hit will trigger a lightning bolt to strike the location, dealing Lightning damage based on your Dexterity.

Upgrade Cost 3 4 5
Lightning Penetration +5 +15 +30
Damage per Dexterity 50%